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For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

Conversations that Matter!


Our Vision
The purpose of Faith Reflection Groups is to gather parishioners together to reflect on their faith and spirituality while learning the essential teachings of Scripture and the Catholic Church and have conversations that matter.  Faith Reflection Groups meet in parishioner’s homes, at meeting places at the church, or other places conducive for prayer and sharing.

Small Groups meet to:

  • Deepen our understanding of Sunday Scripture and church teaching
  • Deepen your own faith/life connection in a supportive environment
  • Meet other parishioners and share life and faith experiences
  • Gain wisdom and insights from the group
  • Pray for each other and the entire parish, neighborhood community and world needs
  • Participate in action and service in order to further the Mission of Christ.
  • All in a confidential setting

What Parish Faith Reflection Groups Can Do
“Small communities are powerful vehicles for adult faith formation, providing opportunities for learning, prayer, mutual support, and the shared experience of Christian living and service to Church and society. Ecclesial movements and association that are part of the vibrant life of the Church make great contributions here. We welcome this phenomenon as a sign of the Church’s vitality."  
US Bishops – 1999 Our Hearts Were Burning Within Us: A Pastoral Plan for Adult Faith Formation in the United States

What is a Faith Sharing Group?
Faith Sharing Group gather folks together to deepen our relationship with Jesus and develop an understanding of the mission we share as disciples of Jesus. It’s that simple!

Size of the group
The group is small, only about 8-10 people.  It’s meant to be that way so that it is not intimidating and people have a chance to talk and get to know each other.

Scripture Foundations
When Jesus' began his ministry, what did he do?  He called together 12 disciples to be his group of friends – his community.  In order to carry out the plan of God the Father, Jesus chose this group to teach, train, and work with.  Jesus created the first "small group."

We know that the apostles and disciples continued to use this small group model of Jesus as they met in house-churches, cared for each other, prayed together, and carried on his mission. The mission spread through all the world despite the hardships and persecutions the disciples faced.  These small communities are the foundation of the church we are today.  Like the first disciples, we are called to proclaim the Gospel and change the world!

Two scripture passages that follow describe why the disciples gathered in small communities:

Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am with them... - Matthew 18:20
From the Acts of the Apostles 2:42-47:

The whole group of believers was united, heart and soul;

  • No one claimed anything for his/her own use
  • None of the members was in want
  • They remained faithful to the breaking of the bread and the prayers
  • The many miracles and signs made a deep impression on them
  • They went to the temple everyday         

Types of Small Groups
At St. Rose, we have a variety of small groups.

  • Seasonal Groups
    Meet during Advent, Lent, and sometimes during the Easter Season
  • Ministry Communities
    Pray and reflect on Scripture or other prayers or church teaching as part of their meetings
  • Small Christian Communities
    Are on-going groups that meet year round
  • Family Groups
    Pray together and talk about family matters and how God works in their lives

How are Groups Organized?
Each Advent and Lent, parishioners have the opportunity to sign up for a Faith Sharing Group.
Each person can sign up by the day and time that works best. Sign-up cards are available in
the pews in church, in the bulletin, online, or in “This Week at St. Rose.”

Groups are organized after the sign-up and members are contacted to let them know where
their group will meet and who the facilitator is.

Each group has a facilitator to keep everyone focused and have the opportunity to

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